Telemarketing Nottinghamshire
Would you like to use a professional and a successful telemarketing consultancy in Nottinghamshire to carry out a customer satisfaction survey aimed at providing you with accurate and unbiased feedback about how a customer really views your products or services?
Amvoc has worked on behalf of numerous businesses in need of an outbound telemarketing service. The majority of our clients looking for a telemarketing consultancy to carry out a customer satisfaction survey do so because they do not have the facilities to do so in house for a variety of reasons, usually due to staffing issues. If you are looking for feedback from your customers, Amvoc can create a bespoke customer satisfaction survey unique to the products or services you provide. In our experience, customers respond more openly to customer satisfaction surveys carried out by a third party and are more likely to share their honest opinions when speaking to someone not directly connected to the original supplier. Amvoc’s customer satisfaction survey team is trained to engage your customers in discussion in order to draw out their true feelings about your products and services.
Amvoc will work with you to clearly define the objectives of the customer satisfaction survey prior to developing the survey questions. Following the telemarketing exercise, Amvoc will then interpret the results in order to create an objective analysis of your customer’s opinions. If you are able to identify the key areas of improvement within your business, you will be able to provide a much better service to your clients therefore increasing your client satisfaction and retention.
Would you like the telemarketing experts from Amvoc to carry out a customer satisfaction survey in Nottinghamshire in order for you to gauge whether or not you need to improve any areas of your business?
Customer Needs:
Amvoc was able to provide Sunny Day Travel Co. with an expert solution for tracking their customer satisfaction. Amvoc is recognised as a leading provider of customer satisfaction surveys solutions which is why we were approached by Sunny Day Travel Co. Sunny Day Travel Co was looking for an outsourced telemarketing consultancy to carry out monthly customer satisfaction surveys on their behalf.
Our Strategy:
Amvoc worked on the data provided by Sunny Day Travel Co. although we are able to provide data to companies should they require it – this is not generally necessary when completing a customer satisfaction project. Amvoc has a team that specialises in travel and tourism service particular project was placed firmly in their safe hands. After developing a customer satisfaction survey that was suited to the needs of Sunny Day Travel Co. Amvoc proceeded with the data collection exercise.
The Outcome:
Amvoc received a great response from the telemarketing exercise we completed on behalf of Sunny Day Travel Co. and was able to produce an advanced analysis of the data we collected whilst telemarketing the customer satisfaction survey on their behalf. Amvoc continues to complete monthly telemarketing exercises on behalf of Sunny Day Travel Co. as this client is extremely impressed with the way we handle the calls and compile the data we extract from their past clients.
If you would like the specialist telemarketing executives from Amvoc to design a customer satisfaction survey unique to the services or products provided by your business in Nottinghamshire, contact our highly trained team today on 0333 005 1403.
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