Congratulations to Jordan Hollis – Voted Amvoc telesales agent of the month for January!
We had a chat about life at Amvoc with Jordan, and to congratulate her on her prestigious award.
I have never worked in sales before joining Amvoc, prior to this I worked as a hotel manager running the entire operation of the hotel, so I was extremely excited by the opportunity of been able to earn more money with my hardworking mentality.
So far, I have worked only on one account since joining Amvoc, Yourlottoservice UK, and it’s more than fair to say that I have loved every minute of it!
Your Lotto Service or YLS for short is an amazing proposition, allowing people to play with more than 1,000 lottery lines every month for only £54.00 per month.
I myself signed up immediately and have personally witnessed loads of weekly winners from 2, 3 and 4 figure winners, and I have even experienced a nice win myself!
The amazing thing is the odds of winning are excellent in comparison to normal lottery playing, and although the rewards are shared – I view the higher chances of really experiencing continuous smaller wins, much better than hoping to win the jackpot.
I believe I make a good sales agent because I’m chatty, it’s simply just part of my personality!
My key attributes are my empathy, confidence and professionalism no matter the circumstance.
I love helping people and there is no better feeling than hearing first hand all the wins that our customers have experienced!
What goes hand In hand with my attributes is my persistence and drive - I will always look to better my best and show that I can exceed my previous days results!
I am understandably very money motivated - My biggest bonus in the 5 months since joining has been over £1500!
I’d say my dad inspired me and he’s who I will always look up to - he doesn’t spoil me, but will help me no matter the situation.
The biggest thing I’ve learned at Amvoc is how to sell consistently, mainly down to my team manager, Jake Sullivan. I have never worked in telesales before, so I’ve been shown all the many aspects of selling in a professional manner.
The culture within Amvoc is what keeps me here, along with the money side of it of course!! Everyone within Amvoc is so welcoming and I could not thank them enough. It’s like one big family - lots of people laughing and selling all day isn’t bad at all!
Why I am happy at Amvoc? To be 100% honest it’s the combination of money, role and company culture - as I mentioned, I’m very money motivated and driven. Both the job and the atmosphere is great – earning essentially 2 wages each month is fantastic!
From the whole team at Amvoc, really well done and keep up the fantastic work!